한소망초등부는하나님을말씀을통해알게하고하나님사랑을체험하고그사랑을세상에알리는공동체입니다. 한소망초등부어린이는매일 QT, 말씀암송을통해삶의주인이하나님이시고우리삶을인도하는분이하나님을깨닫도록돕고기도의생명과능력이풍성한모임과개인이되도록이끄는공동체입니다.
Covenant House is a ministry where we intent to help children to get to know God, experience God’s love and develop the desire to share His love with the world.Our ministry is a fun place for children, third through fifth grade, to GROW SPIRITUALLY as they learn who God is and how much He loves them.
사진첩 & 게시판
- 말씀을암송하는습관을갖는어린이가되도록돕는다.
- 기도의생명과능력을알수있도록기도하는습관을갖도록돕는다.
- 매일부모님과하는 QT를통해말씀이삶으로영적영향력을가질수있도록돕니다.
- We want to help children to grow spiritually by developing habits of prayer, memorizing scriptures, and daily devotions.
- We want to disciple children to experience God’s love and to grow in their love towards God and others.
예배 | 시간 |
주일예배 | 오전 10:300 |
주일 Activity | 시간 |
엄마/아빠함께365 QT | 매일 |
성경퀴즈/게임 | 매주 |
Body Worship연습 | 첫째주 |
생일축하 | 둘째주 |
부모님과함께하는 Tea/Desert Time | 셋째주 |
Art/Craft | 넷째주 |
교사: 어수정/김켈리/강미셸선생님
부장: 이지용
김미형 전도사
Worship | Time |
Sunday Worship Bible Study: Summer Kim |
10:30 am |
Sunday Activity | Time |
Mom/Dad & Me 365 Daily Devotions | Everyday |
Bible Game/Quiz | Every Sunday |
Praise Practice | 1st Sunday |
Birthday Celebration | 2ndSunday |
Tea/Desert Time with Parents | 3rd Sunday |
Art/Craft | 4th Sunday |
Teachers: Soojung Eo, Kelly Kim, Michelle Kang
Director: Jiyong Lee
Pastor: Summer Kim